Carson City
5/29/19 Agenda w/Supporting Materials
Day: Wednesday
Date: May 29, 2019
Time: Beginning at 4:00 pm
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
A. Roll Call, Determination of a Quorum and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Planning Commission, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
C. For Possible Action: Approval of the Minutes – April 24, 2019
D. Modification of Agenda
Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
E. Meeting Items
E.1 MPA-19-070 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Master Plan to re-designate from Conservation Reserve (Private) to Open Space on a 20 acre parcel located on the north side of Highway 50 West, APN 007-051-81. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In January, 2019, the subject property was been acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The re-designation will recognize that this land is open space. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.2 ZMA-19-069 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning from Conservation Reserve to Public Regional on a 20 acre parcel located on the north side of Highway 50 West, APN 007-051-81. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In January, 2019, the subject property has been acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The new zoning designation will recognize that the property is publicly owned and its main purpose is to sustain wide regional needs. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the zoning map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.3 MPA-19-067 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Master Plan to re-designate from Conservation Reserve (Private) to Open Space on a 187 acre property located south of Timberline, APN 007-091-66. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In October 2018, the subject property was acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The re-designation will recognize that this land is open space. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.4 ZMA-19-066 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning from Conservation Reserve and Single Family One Acre Planned Unit Development to Public Community on two parcels totaling 206 acres located south of Timberline, APNs 007-091-66, 007-293-29. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In October 2018, the subject properties were acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The new zoning designation will recognize that the property is intended for facilities and uses that serve primarily a large portion of Carson City. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the zoning map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.5 ZMA-19-068 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning from Limited Industrial to General Commercial on nine properties located at 3205 Retail Drive, 3225 Retail Drive, 3250 Retail Drive, 909 Hot Springs Road, 2185 Market Street, 3305 College Parkway and 3200 College Parkway, APN’s 002-752-02, 002-795-10, -09, 002-755-11, -14, -17, -18, -07 and -08. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The subject properties are utilized for restaurant, retail, bank, and office uses. The Master Plan Designation is Community / Regional Commercial. The proposed zoning will avoid non-compatible uses from locating in this area, and will create consistency with the Master Plan. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.6 TSM-19-054 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a Tentative Subdivision Map to create a 103 lot single family residential subdivision within the Lompa Ranch Specific Plan Area, and within the Blackstone Ranch Specific Plan Area, zoned Single Family 6,000 and located at the east end Railroad Drive and Saliman Road, APN 010-051-44. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 26.89 acre property to create 103 residential lots, a roadway system, open space, and trails. Lot sizes are proposed to range from 6,000 square feet to 15,803 square feet, with an overall average lot size of approximately 7,712 square feet. Road access is proposed to be from Railroad Drive and from 5th Street. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to approval a Tentative Map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.7 AB-19-046 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Abandonment of a Public Right-of-Way known as a portion of Pinto Street located east of Saliman Road, and located south of 411 North Saliman Road. (Kathe Green,
Summary: The applicant is seeking to abandon three sections of unimproved right-of-way and easements known as East Pinto Street, an area approximately 50 feet wide by 488 feet long. The area is comprised of a 25 foot wide access easement with a 10 foot wide roadway easement superimposed on it, and a 25 foot City owned right-of-way. If approved, the entire right-of-way area would be abandoned. Per CCMC 17.15, the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding requests for right-of-way abandonment. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to abandon the right-of-way.
E.8 SUP-19-044* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a Special Use Permit to allow a child care facility on property zoned General Commercial (GC), located at 200 East Winnie Lane, Suite 288-298, APN 002-072-01. LATE MATERIAL (Heather Ferris,
Summary: The applicant is seeking to operate a child care facility for up to 53 children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. The proposed location is an existing multi-tenant building. Child care facilities are allowed in the General Commercial zoning district as a conditional use. As it is a conditional use, it may only be established upon approval of a Special Use Permit by the Planning Commission.
E.9 MPA-19-065 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Master Plan to re-designate from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential six properties located at 96 Dean Court, 94 Dean Court, 93 Dean Court, 95 Dean Court, 97 Dean Court and 4376 Northgate Lane, APN’s 008-095-02, -03,-04, -10, -11 and -09. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The subject properties range in size from 13,740 square feet to 19,259 square feet. The re-designation will recognize that this land is medium density rather than low density, and allow for a zoning designation that is consistent with existing development. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.10 ZMA-19-064 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning from Single Family One Acre to Single Family 12,000 on six properties located at 96 Dean Court, 94 Dean Court, 93 Dean Court, 95 Dean Court, 97 Dean Court and 4376 Northgate Lane, APN’s 008-095-02, -03,-04, -10, -11 and -09. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The subject properties range in size from 13,740 square feet to 19,259 square feet. Based on the current zoning district, all six properties are nonconforming lots. With the proposed zoning, all properties with comply with the minimum lot size. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the zoning map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.11 SUP-16-048-1* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request to modify an existing Special Use Permit (SUP-16-048) to increase the number of containers on site from two to three, including relocation of an existing metal storage container and the placement of an additional metal storage container which has been on the site since 2011 at 4151 East Fifth Street, APN 010-035-27. (Kathe Green,
Summary: Two storage containers have been approved to be located at the southern boundary of the property at the track. The subject request is to allow the relocation of one of these containers to the eastern area of the property. This placement would be next to an existing metal storage container which has been on the site since an expansion of the school in 2011, but never received approval for this placement at this location. Two containers would be next to each other at the eastern area of the property in the drive circle, with the other one remaining at the track area. There would be a total of three containers on the site. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve a Special Use Permit.
E.12 SUP-19-053* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a Special Use Permit to allow for the expansion of a non-conforming use, a child care facility, into an adjacent existing building on property zoned Residential Office (RO), located at 213 North Minnesota Street, APN 003-202-01. (Heather Ferris,
Summary: The applicant is seeking to expand the Small Blessings Preschool from its current location at 212 North Division Street to include the building located at 213 North Minnesota Street. The preschool currently has one classroom that serves 20-24 children. The expansion would serve an additional 16-20 children. The existing child care facility is a non-conforming use in the Residential Office zoning district. Carson City Municipal Code Section allows for the expansion of non-conforming uses upon approval of a Special Use Permit by the Planning Commission.
E.13 MISC-19-047* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding determining if grounds for revocation or reexamination of Special Use Permit U-79-25 exists, and possible direction to staff to issue and serve the applicant with an order to show cause why the special use permit should not be revoked or reexamined relative to Special Use Permit U-79-25, located at 7400 Brunswick Canyon Road, APNs 008-531-44 and 008-531-45. LATE MATERIAL (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: On December 27, 1979, the Planning Commission approved Special Use Permit U-79-25, a special use permit to operate a concrete batch plant, a hot plant operation, and to remove earth products on the subject property. This Special Use Permit includes a condition that states, in part: “Public recreation access through the subject property, on defined roadways, must not be restricted.” Allegations have been made that public recreation access has been restricted. At its meeting of April 24, 2019, the Planning Commission requested that the Director conduct an investigation into the conduct of Brunswick Canyon Materials, LLC relative to restricting public access on defined roads. Upon hearing the results of the investigation, the Planning Commission may direct staff to issue and serve the applicant with an order to show cause why the special use permit should not be revoked or reexamined.
E.14 SUP-19-057* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request to amend an existing Special Use Permit (U-79-25) to operate a concrete batch plant, a hot plant operation, and to remove earth products so as to modify Condition #4 to allow for a gate closure from dusk to dawn on property located at 7400 Brunswick Canyon, APN 008-531-45. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: On December 27, 1979, the Planning Commission approved Special Use Permit U-79-25, a special use permit to operate a concrete batch plant, a hot plant operation, and to remove earth products on the subject property. This Special Use Permit includes a condition that states, in part: “Public recreation access through the subject property, on defined roadways, must not be restricted.” The applicant is seeking to amend an existing Special Use Permit to allow for a gate closure from dusk to dawn, thus restricting public access from dusk to dawn.
*Agenda items with an asterisk (*) indicate that final action will be taken unless appealed or otherwise announced. The Planning Commission’s “ACTION” may include approval, approval with conditions, denial, continuance, or tabling of an item.
Appeal of a Commission item: An appeal must be submitted to the Planning Division within 10 days for the Commission’s action. In order to be part of the administrative record regarding an appeal of an item on the agenda, you must present your comments at the podium or have previously sent correspondence to the Planning Division or have spoken to staff regarding an item on this agenda. For information regarding an appeal of a Commission decision, please contact Lee Plemel, Community Development Director, at 775-887-2180, via e-mail at, or via fax at 775-887-2278.
F. Staff Reports (non-action items)
F.1 - Director's report to the Commission. (Lee Plemel)
- Future agenda items.
- Commissioner reports/comments.
G. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Planning Commission including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
H. For Possible Action: Adjournment
** PUBLIC COMMENT: The Commission will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. In addition, it is Carson City’s aspirational goal to also provide for item-specific public comment as follows: In order for members of the public to participate in the public body’s consideration of an agenda item, the public is strongly encouraged to comment on an agenda item when called for by the Chair during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Comments may be limited to three minutes per person or topic at the discretion of the Chair in order to facilitate the meeting.
For Further Information
If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. Contact Shelby Johnston at 775-887-2180 or if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item. Supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Planning Division office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at All written comments to the Planning Commission regarding an item must be submitted to the Planning Division by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission’s meeting to ensure delivery to the Commission before the meeting.
The Commission is pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who wish to attend the meeting and need assistance. If special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please notify the Planning Division in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2180, as soon as possible.
This agenda has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Community Center-Sierra Room, 851 East William Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
Dept. of Public Works, Corporate Yard Facility, 3505 Butti Way
This agenda is also available on the Carson City Website at
State Website -
Day: Wednesday
Date: May 29, 2019
Time: Beginning at 4:00 pm
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
A. Roll Call, Determination of a Quorum and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Planning Commission, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
C. For Possible Action: Approval of the Minutes – April 24, 2019
D. Modification of Agenda
Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
E. Meeting Items
E.1 MPA-19-070 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Master Plan to re-designate from Conservation Reserve (Private) to Open Space on a 20 acre parcel located on the north side of Highway 50 West, APN 007-051-81. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In January, 2019, the subject property was been acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The re-designation will recognize that this land is open space. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.2 ZMA-19-069 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning from Conservation Reserve to Public Regional on a 20 acre parcel located on the north side of Highway 50 West, APN 007-051-81. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In January, 2019, the subject property has been acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The new zoning designation will recognize that the property is publicly owned and its main purpose is to sustain wide regional needs. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the zoning map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.3 MPA-19-067 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Master Plan to re-designate from Conservation Reserve (Private) to Open Space on a 187 acre property located south of Timberline, APN 007-091-66. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In October 2018, the subject property was acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The re-designation will recognize that this land is open space. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.4 ZMA-19-066 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning from Conservation Reserve and Single Family One Acre Planned Unit Development to Public Community on two parcels totaling 206 acres located south of Timberline, APNs 007-091-66, 007-293-29. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In October 2018, the subject properties were acquired by Carson City for Open Space. The new zoning designation will recognize that the property is intended for facilities and uses that serve primarily a large portion of Carson City. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the zoning map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.5 ZMA-19-068 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning from Limited Industrial to General Commercial on nine properties located at 3205 Retail Drive, 3225 Retail Drive, 3250 Retail Drive, 909 Hot Springs Road, 2185 Market Street, 3305 College Parkway and 3200 College Parkway, APN’s 002-752-02, 002-795-10, -09, 002-755-11, -14, -17, -18, -07 and -08. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The subject properties are utilized for restaurant, retail, bank, and office uses. The Master Plan Designation is Community / Regional Commercial. The proposed zoning will avoid non-compatible uses from locating in this area, and will create consistency with the Master Plan. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.6 TSM-19-054 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a Tentative Subdivision Map to create a 103 lot single family residential subdivision within the Lompa Ranch Specific Plan Area, and within the Blackstone Ranch Specific Plan Area, zoned Single Family 6,000 and located at the east end Railroad Drive and Saliman Road, APN 010-051-44. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 26.89 acre property to create 103 residential lots, a roadway system, open space, and trails. Lot sizes are proposed to range from 6,000 square feet to 15,803 square feet, with an overall average lot size of approximately 7,712 square feet. Road access is proposed to be from Railroad Drive and from 5th Street. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to approval a Tentative Map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.7 AB-19-046 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Abandonment of a Public Right-of-Way known as a portion of Pinto Street located east of Saliman Road, and located south of 411 North Saliman Road. (Kathe Green,
Summary: The applicant is seeking to abandon three sections of unimproved right-of-way and easements known as East Pinto Street, an area approximately 50 feet wide by 488 feet long. The area is comprised of a 25 foot wide access easement with a 10 foot wide roadway easement superimposed on it, and a 25 foot City owned right-of-way. If approved, the entire right-of-way area would be abandoned. Per CCMC 17.15, the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding requests for right-of-way abandonment. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to abandon the right-of-way.
E.8 SUP-19-044* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a Special Use Permit to allow a child care facility on property zoned General Commercial (GC), located at 200 East Winnie Lane, Suite 288-298, APN 002-072-01. LATE MATERIAL (Heather Ferris,
Summary: The applicant is seeking to operate a child care facility for up to 53 children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. The proposed location is an existing multi-tenant building. Child care facilities are allowed in the General Commercial zoning district as a conditional use. As it is a conditional use, it may only be established upon approval of a Special Use Permit by the Planning Commission.
E.9 MPA-19-065 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Master Plan to re-designate from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential six properties located at 96 Dean Court, 94 Dean Court, 93 Dean Court, 95 Dean Court, 97 Dean Court and 4376 Northgate Lane, APN’s 008-095-02, -03,-04, -10, -11 and -09. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The subject properties range in size from 13,740 square feet to 19,259 square feet. The re-designation will recognize that this land is medium density rather than low density, and allow for a zoning designation that is consistent with existing development. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the Master Plan. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.10 ZMA-19-064 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning from Single Family One Acre to Single Family 12,000 on six properties located at 96 Dean Court, 94 Dean Court, 93 Dean Court, 95 Dean Court, 97 Dean Court and 4376 Northgate Lane, APN’s 008-095-02, -03,-04, -10, -11 and -09. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: The subject properties range in size from 13,740 square feet to 19,259 square feet. Based on the current zoning district, all six properties are nonconforming lots. With the proposed zoning, all properties with comply with the minimum lot size. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to amend the zoning map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
E.11 SUP-16-048-1* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request to modify an existing Special Use Permit (SUP-16-048) to increase the number of containers on site from two to three, including relocation of an existing metal storage container and the placement of an additional metal storage container which has been on the site since 2011 at 4151 East Fifth Street, APN 010-035-27. (Kathe Green,
Summary: Two storage containers have been approved to be located at the southern boundary of the property at the track. The subject request is to allow the relocation of one of these containers to the eastern area of the property. This placement would be next to an existing metal storage container which has been on the site since an expansion of the school in 2011, but never received approval for this placement at this location. Two containers would be next to each other at the eastern area of the property in the drive circle, with the other one remaining at the track area. There would be a total of three containers on the site. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve a Special Use Permit.
E.12 SUP-19-053* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a Special Use Permit to allow for the expansion of a non-conforming use, a child care facility, into an adjacent existing building on property zoned Residential Office (RO), located at 213 North Minnesota Street, APN 003-202-01. (Heather Ferris,
Summary: The applicant is seeking to expand the Small Blessings Preschool from its current location at 212 North Division Street to include the building located at 213 North Minnesota Street. The preschool currently has one classroom that serves 20-24 children. The expansion would serve an additional 16-20 children. The existing child care facility is a non-conforming use in the Residential Office zoning district. Carson City Municipal Code Section allows for the expansion of non-conforming uses upon approval of a Special Use Permit by the Planning Commission.
E.13 MISC-19-047* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding determining if grounds for revocation or reexamination of Special Use Permit U-79-25 exists, and possible direction to staff to issue and serve the applicant with an order to show cause why the special use permit should not be revoked or reexamined relative to Special Use Permit U-79-25, located at 7400 Brunswick Canyon Road, APNs 008-531-44 and 008-531-45. LATE MATERIAL (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: On December 27, 1979, the Planning Commission approved Special Use Permit U-79-25, a special use permit to operate a concrete batch plant, a hot plant operation, and to remove earth products on the subject property. This Special Use Permit includes a condition that states, in part: “Public recreation access through the subject property, on defined roadways, must not be restricted.” Allegations have been made that public recreation access has been restricted. At its meeting of April 24, 2019, the Planning Commission requested that the Director conduct an investigation into the conduct of Brunswick Canyon Materials, LLC relative to restricting public access on defined roads. Upon hearing the results of the investigation, the Planning Commission may direct staff to issue and serve the applicant with an order to show cause why the special use permit should not be revoked or reexamined.
E.14 SUP-19-057* For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request to amend an existing Special Use Permit (U-79-25) to operate a concrete batch plant, a hot plant operation, and to remove earth products so as to modify Condition #4 to allow for a gate closure from dusk to dawn on property located at 7400 Brunswick Canyon, APN 008-531-45. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: On December 27, 1979, the Planning Commission approved Special Use Permit U-79-25, a special use permit to operate a concrete batch plant, a hot plant operation, and to remove earth products on the subject property. This Special Use Permit includes a condition that states, in part: “Public recreation access through the subject property, on defined roadways, must not be restricted.” The applicant is seeking to amend an existing Special Use Permit to allow for a gate closure from dusk to dawn, thus restricting public access from dusk to dawn.
*Agenda items with an asterisk (*) indicate that final action will be taken unless appealed or otherwise announced. The Planning Commission’s “ACTION” may include approval, approval with conditions, denial, continuance, or tabling of an item.
Appeal of a Commission item: An appeal must be submitted to the Planning Division within 10 days for the Commission’s action. In order to be part of the administrative record regarding an appeal of an item on the agenda, you must present your comments at the podium or have previously sent correspondence to the Planning Division or have spoken to staff regarding an item on this agenda. For information regarding an appeal of a Commission decision, please contact Lee Plemel, Community Development Director, at 775-887-2180, via e-mail at, or via fax at 775-887-2278.
F. Staff Reports (non-action items)
F.1 - Director's report to the Commission. (Lee Plemel)
- Future agenda items.
- Commissioner reports/comments.
G. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Planning Commission including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
H. For Possible Action: Adjournment
** PUBLIC COMMENT: The Commission will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. In addition, it is Carson City’s aspirational goal to also provide for item-specific public comment as follows: In order for members of the public to participate in the public body’s consideration of an agenda item, the public is strongly encouraged to comment on an agenda item when called for by the Chair during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Comments may be limited to three minutes per person or topic at the discretion of the Chair in order to facilitate the meeting.
For Further Information
If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. Contact Shelby Johnston at 775-887-2180 or if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item. Supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Planning Division office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at All written comments to the Planning Commission regarding an item must be submitted to the Planning Division by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission’s meeting to ensure delivery to the Commission before the meeting.
The Commission is pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who wish to attend the meeting and need assistance. If special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please notify the Planning Division in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2180, as soon as possible.
This agenda has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Community Center-Sierra Room, 851 East William Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
Dept. of Public Works, Corporate Yard Facility, 3505 Butti Way
This agenda is also available on the Carson City Website at
State Website -