Carson City
Detention center personnel are prohibited from delivering any messages to inmates, or discussing medical (HIPPA) information with anyone whatsoever.
The Carson City Sheriff's Detention Facility was completed in April of 1999, featuring the latest in high-tech surveillance and security. The center averages approximately 200 inmates at any given time, providing services for all of the Carson City Judicial responsibilities, and receiving arrested persons from the Nevada Highway Patrol, Carson City Alternative Sentencing, State Parole and Probation, and many other state and federal agencies.
The health, safety and welfare of the inmates are first priorities for the staff and employees at the detention center. Counseling services are available daily to ensure the inmate's wellbeing, medical, spiritual and mental health. When warranted, the Sheriff’s Office utilizes the services of Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center and other local care providers.
For Bail questions, please see your local directory to select an appropriate agency. Detention Center staff are prohibited from recommending any particular bail bond agency. The staff at each entity will be happy to assist you in any endeavor, including contact with the Detention Center. With well over 4,000 intake and releases annually, it is impossible for the department to anticipate exact release times.
Jail Information Line
(775) 283-JAIL (5245)
Visiting Hours
By Appointment Only
To make an appointment to visit inmates call (775) 283-4777 on Thursdays between the hours of 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Visitors need to have a valid Drivers License or ID and they must be on the inmates visitors list.
Nevada VINE System
The Nevada VINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or internet to search for information regarding the custody status of an offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender’s custody status changes. The toll-free number for the Nevada VINE system is (888) 268-8463. This service is provided to assist Victims of Crime who have a right to know about an offender's custody status.
Commissary Account
To place money on an inmate's commissary account, visit Smart Deposit.
When providing funds please note only the following will be accepted:
- Money orders displaying typed or stamped value amounts, payable to CCSO/inmates name
- U.S. currency
Inmate Telephones
The Carson City Detention Center utilizes Inmate Calling Solutions (IC Solutions) for inmate telephones. When the inmate is booked into our facility, they are given a phone pin and set up into the system. If the inmate has money on their books, they can transfer that money to the phones to make calls. Or the inmate can make collect calls. When an inmate makes a collect call, the person receiving the call must have the ability to receive collect calls. Our system does not allow for incoming calls.
Select inmate commissary to put funds on the inmates’ books. You will have to create an account.
Postal Service
Mailing Address:
897 E. Musser St.
Carson City, NV 89701
Incoming U.S. mail will be delivered Monday through Friday of each week with the exception of holidays.
The following incoming mail will not be permitted:
- Items that are illegal or violate U.S. Postal Service Regulations.
- Items that advocate or describe the killing of law enforcement personnel, facility disorder, escape, or any other criminal acts.
- Items that contain contraband which include lewd photographs.
- Polaroid photographs, gang related photographs, or any other items deemed inappropriate by staff.
- Magazines, newspapers and paperback books or parts thereof.
- No website generated or email items allowed.
- Packages, unless clearly marked "Legal Mail." All other packages will be returned to sender including "express" or "priority" type overnight packages/ envelopes or placed in the inmate’s property.
- Stickers (other than a single return address label), sexual materials, advertisements, books or sections of books, checks, stamps, extra envelopes, forwarded mail, mail to other inmates, mail depicting illicit drug possession or use, or gang related materials.
- Mail received with false or incomplete return address (including complete name of sender), third party mail, or messages, or no return address.
- Mail received from another detention facility.
- Any mail with any foreign substance on them including, but not limited to perfumes, lipstick, lip-gloss, oils, paints, glitters, glitter ink, or any other unidentified substance.
Visitors must make an appointment in order to visit. Appointments are accepted on Thursdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m.
- Visitors must be placed on the an inmate's visiting list.
- There will be no visitation on holidays.
- The visits are supervised by staff and are non-contact.
- Visits are on Saturday only and last for 15 minutes.
- Visiting may be altered or cancelled at any time.
- Visitors are only allowed one visit per week.
- No more than two visitors and one child.
- There are no restrictions as to the number of attorney visits or legal counsel.
Visitors will be required to pass a security screening and may be subject to a physical search. Visitors will need to produce a valid U.S. or Canadian picture ID. All foreign visitors will be required to produce a valid passport. The on-duty supervisor may authorize a visit with or without ID.
Dress Code
All visitors will be dressed appropriately. The following dress will not be permitted:
- Any attire associated with gangs, drugs, alcohol, violence or discrimination.
- Undergarments (bras, underwear, boxer shorts, etc.) should not be visible. Sheer and see-through clothing are not allowed.
- Blouses and shirts should not show cleavage and skin should not be visible at midriff.
- Halter-tops, backless shirts, sleeveless shirts and strapless garments are not allowed. Shirts must have sleeves and cover shoulders.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses must extend below fingertips with arms in relaxed position.
- No ripped or torn shirts or pants. Pants must be worn around the waist and properly fitted.
- Excessive baggy pants as well as excessively tight pants are unacceptable.